Integration processes in Organization of Black Sea Economic Cooperation. Tendencies and perspective.


  • G.V. Semenikhin Донецкая торгово-промышленная палата


іntegration, Organization of Black Sea of Economic Cooperation (ОBSEС), European Union (ЕU), Ukraine, World economic system, Regional associations of states, Black Sea basin, Competitive ability of economy, International relations, Trans-national projects


The article devoted to issues of integration of Ukraine within limits of OBSEC. It is set an objective to search tools and ways of integration of Ukraine to world economic system. It is considered in the article the condition, problems and tendencies of development of international integration processes at Black Sea region, it is shown place of Ukraine within them, its role among states – members of OBSEC and other regional associations in Greater Black Sea region. It is denoted the degree of integration of countries-members of OBSEC into main regional organizations, operating at Black Sea basin. Unfavourable conditions were analysed hindering to cooperation of regional subjects. On the base of data of Razumkov Centre, Rating Doing Business – 2013 it was conducted the analysis of reasons allowed the countries-members of OBSEC to raise on stages of rating in 2013. The advantages and shortages were shown which Ukraine has. On the base of conducted investigation the author suggests the ways, increasing the level of competitive ability of economy and degree of integration of Ukraine into world economic system, using herewith natural and resource advantages of the country. Guided by political and economic expedience, corresponded to international standards, principles of humanism and morality, and also implementation of economic policy, promoted to formation of transparent environment of industrial and commercial at national level.

Author Biography

G.V. Semenikhin, Донецкая торгово-промышленная палата

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