Incentive mechanism to reduce negative impacts on the environment within the framework of environmental security: a regional perspective .
ecology, environmental regulation, environmental payments, best available technology, integrated environmental authorizationAbstract
The article analyses the main shortcomings of the Russian incentive mechanism tools reduce the negative environmental impact. In particular, focus on ineffectiveness of ecological systems and environmental charges, based initially on the concept of "zero risk" to human health and requiring implementation of excessively rigid limits environmental impacts, technological and financial unattainable conditions at a modern level of development. In addition, the sanitaryhygienic regulations, used as a technical definition of the methodological framework of environmental regulations, results in a lack of regional dimension of environmental management processes. In this article a new conceptual model of incentive mechanism reducing negative environmental impact, based on the system for integrated environmental permits, taking into account the best available technology, and to neutralize these disadvantages.References
Основные направления национальной стратегии гармонизации российского законодательства в целях достижения инновационной
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Директива о комплексном контроле и предотвращении загрязнения (Директива 96/61/EEC, с учетом поправок, введенных директивами 2003/35/EC и 2003/87EC).
Материалы Проекта «Гармонизация экологических стандартов – II». Программа сотрудничества «ЕС-Россия». – Режим доступа: