Research of the measuring methods of economic growth and development.


  • М. Movsisyan Армянский государственный экономический университет


economic growth, economic development, purchasing power parity, consumption of fixed capital, final consumption expenditures


There are a several methods of measuring the economic development - quantitative (growth), qualitative (structure) and fluctuation (duration, frequency, disproportion). There are also social, humanistic and ecological measurements . In this issue the focus is only on the measuring methods of growth. Here are presented indexes used in local researches and international comparisons. Considering the exclusive significance of the point there is a need of some commentaries. First of all every complex phenomenon can be measured, including such a phenomenon as the development is, it can be done with the theory of measurement. Second, according to the degree of complexity and the scientific and labor problems, the definition of the object of measurement must be determined by serious researchers, experts and politicians. Third, derived from such indicators as the nonprofessional usage of GDP. First of all, the content of that indicators is often wrongly interpreted, it’s being offered “exaggerated” claims, assigning to it versatility, the measurements of the standards of living of the population, and so on.

Author Biography

М. Movsisyan, Армянский государственный экономический университет

канд. экон. наук, доцент кафедри “Статистики”


Международные сопоставления валового внутреннего продукта за 1999-2000 и 2002 годы: стат. сб. / Федер. служба гос. стат. - М., 2005, с.

, Международные сопоставления валового внутреннего продукта за 2005 год: Стат. сб. – M., 2008, c. 34-37, Россия и страны мира 2012, с. 94-95, Статистика стран мира за 2011 год.

Национальные счета Армении, Статистический сборник, НСС РА, Ереван 2007 и 2012, ст. 23,24, 25,26,28,56-58.




