Role of innovative policy in business development


  • Zh.Ya. Kolycheva Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения


innovative policy, innovative business, modern technologies, market product, region


The offered article is devoted to consideration of a wide range of the problems connected with development of innovative business. The priority directions of a state policy, modernization and formation of small innovative business are analysed. The structure of an innovative component in development of small business is presented. As practice shows, the quantity of innovations in small firms on a unit of cost, as a rule, is more, than in medium-sized and major companies. The analysis strong and weaknesses of the small innovative enterprises is carried out. Suggestions for improvement of the regional program of the industrial and innovative development directed on diversification of economy, and also to creation of a number of new productions with application of modern technologies are created. It is reasonable that development of small innovative business will lead to creation of a real basis for transfer of economy to an innovative way of development.

Author Biography

Zh.Ya. Kolycheva, Ростовский государственный университет путей сообщения

канд.экон.наук, доцент кафедры «Экономика и менеджмент»


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