The prospects and specificity of integration relations of Azerbaijan Republic


  • E.M. Qojayeva Бакинский Университет Бизнеса
  • S. A. Huseynova Азербайджанский Государственный Экономический Университет


cooperation of economic and integration processes, the development of the oil and non-oil sectors, globalization, trade, national economy


This article, the authors indicated that the further deepening of large-scale reforms in the country, has opened opportunities for accelerated development, which, in turn, has created the conditions for lifting the company to a higher level of social and economic progress. The Government has taken important steps to improve the investment environment in the country and governance rebuilt according to modern criteria. The authors noted that Azerbaijan has made years achieved in recent: macroeconomic stabilization, significant progress towards food self-sufficiency, the process of privatization and the development of both oil and non-oil sector.

Author Biographies

E.M. Qojayeva, Бакинский Университет Бизнеса

д.ф.э.н. ст. преподаватель кафедры «Финансы»

S. A. Huseynova, Азербайджанский Государственный Экономический Университет

д.ф.э.н. ст. преподаватель кафедры «Экономическая теория - 2»


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