Opportunities to improve the rating system for assessing the sustainable development of banks in Bulgaria


  • B. Bozhinov Tsenov Academy of Economics (Svishtov, Bulgaria)


bank, banking system, credit organization, rating, steady development of business


Stability of bank establishment plays a key role in development of national economy, therefore both leaders and wide public are on the whole interested able development of banks of country. The independent system of estimation, on the basis of which necessary terms for the increase of public inspection of credit organizations and additional incentives are created for the increase of their productivity, and also stability during realization of reasonable policy of management bank institutions with the purpose of their , sustainable development in the future, is considered in the article. This adapted version of the rating system for the estimation of stability of banks is directed for development of systematic independent analysis of credit organizations on the basis of public data about their state and development. The opened methodology and its publicness, presented an author in the article, will allow to provide transparency of rating process and possibility of introduction of approaches independent researchers for the improvement of ability objectively to estimate the state of bank structures. As a result of estimation of the banking system of Bulgaria an author is do a conclusion that the Bulgarian banking system is stable enough on the whole, including at the decision of problems of national business.

Author Biography

B. Bozhinov, Tsenov Academy of Economics (Svishtov, Bulgaria)

аssoc. prof., Ph.D, D.A.


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