The global transformation of the capital market: investment security aspect.


  • L.A. Sivolap Мариупольский государственный университет


global capital flows, international investment, the global economic system, foreign capital investment process


The article analyzes the financial components of the international investment activities of countries and regions in the context of the global transformation of the global capital market. The current state of the global capital market is characterized by the growth of both direct and portfolio investment in countries with different levels of economic development. The current stage of development of global processes in the investment industry is characterized by high volatility in the annual dynamics of the main ways of investment - mergers and acquisitions (M & A) and new projects (greenfield). It was concluded that there was a transformation of the primary sources of FDI - have come to dominate instead of reinvested earnings in the capital.

Author Biography

L.A. Sivolap, Мариупольский государственный университет

к.э.н., доцент кафедры «Экономика и экономико-финансовая безопасность»


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