Investment cooperation of Ukraine in the context of multi-vector integration and security.


  • L.V. Semkova Мариупольский государственный университет


investment cooperation, international investment, integration, security, foreign capital, investment process


The paper analyzes the current trends of investment cooperation between Ukraine at the present stage of integration in the context of compliance and security priorities. It is proved that in Ukraine Foreigners are attracted favorable geographical location, large population and its high level of education, a skilled workforce, a large industrial and agricultural potential, a large number of minerals. The positive effects of entry of foreign capital into the country include the establishment of new production facilities and everything connected with it - increasing production, creating new jobs, the use of the latest technology. On the other hand, apart from a positive role in the economy, foreign investment could harm the country as imports of capital outflow channel is out of the country was created in her part of the added value, as well as the threat of economic security.

Author Biography

L.V. Semkova, Мариупольский государственный университет

к.э.н., доцент кафедры «Экономика и экономико-финансовая безопасность»


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