The transformation of the global stock market in today's global paradigms


  • A.A. Orekhova Донецький національний університет


stock market, investing, the global financial crisis, debt financing, money market, capital market, market cap, the stock market index


The article is devoted to the problems of the transformation of the global stock market in terms of contemporary paradigms and overcome the global financial crisis. It is proved that the global stock market is at a tipping point and the stage of searching for new tools that could be carried out on it, and additional tools to reduce the risks associated with the operation of the market and its stable performance. It is proved that government regulation of the stock market in the different countries of the world should be directed at attracting foreign investment, and therefore takes on the nature of competition between governments and the laws of different countries for the investor.

Author Biography

A.A. Orekhova, Донецький національний університет

аспірант кафедри «Міжнародна економіка»


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