The institutional component of the global transformation of the global financial architecture.


  • E.A. Medvedkina Донецький національний університет


international financial architecture, the global transformation of the international financial institutions, international agreement, the global reserve system


The paper analyzes the main tasks of reforming the financial architecture. Defined by the participation of international financial institutions in efforts to reform the global financial architecture. It is proved that the system of global institutions (supranational) level of the global financial architecture is fragmented and specialized nature and its further development will occur on the script, which provides for the simultaneous preservation of existing institutions against the introduction of new institutions, multilateral forms of cooperation using the most significant participants in the global financial system. It is proved that the introduction of new mechanisms for the diversification of reserve currencies, combined with the mechanisms of regulatory control by the IFIs determine gain expansion of existing global financial centers in countries with fragile economies and expand their areas of influence on the domestic financial markets.

Author Biography

E.A. Medvedkina, Донецький національний університет

к.е.н., докторант НІСД, доцент кафедри «Міжнародна економіка»


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