European cluster policy in the second decade of XXI century, in accordance to 4 х 5 principle.


  • Ye. Yu. Kurylyak Тернопільський національний економічний університет


region, cluster, cross-cluster policy, European cluster memorandum, European cluster policy, European institutions


The paper analyzes the Advisory Group’s « 4 x 5» clustering model, which presents the principles of European cluster policy in the second decade of the XXI century focused on the formation of world-class clusters. It is based on the approaches with fundamental role of the European space, which provides the development of cluster policy at different levels of governance. It is concentrated on the approaches with the fundamental role of the European space under the conditions of the cluster policy development in the different management levels. The main accent is on the conceptions, which are connected with the regional knowledge concentration. The result of these approaches is the synthesis of cooperation and competition in the international space and the European markets. It is examined the role of dynamic clusters; the orientation of the European cluster policy; direction of lawmaking political institutions which are increasing their efforts at the national and regional levels, particularities of the European institutions’ activities in matters of increasing the role of clusters in economic development, in particular the European Commission, the Committee of the Regions and the European Investment Bank. The methods of regionalization enhancement and making sure of broad cluster openness for the cooperation, both in the national and global space are shown. The analysis is performed according to the principles of the European memorandum of clusters.

Author Biography

Ye. Yu. Kurylyak, Тернопільський національний економічний університет

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