The Financial mechanism of providing of the transfrontal collaboration development programs between Ukraine and European Union


  • N.M. Kalmykova Донецький національний технічний університет


geopolitics, European integration, regional integration, transfrontal collaboration, European region, border-line territories


The article investigates the essence of transfrontal collaboration of cross-border cooperation, defines its role as a component activating national economy integration processes in Europe, and formulates main principles based on the best practices of European regional policy. Taking into accaunt the actualization of the European Community-Based collaboration, which is financed by the European Regional Development Fund for supporting of the cross-border, supra-national and trans-regional collaboration programs the financial mechanism of providing of these development programs is analyzed and it is certain that the Ukraine at the moment occupies a ponderable place in priorities of regional development of European Union. The result of the financial mechanism investigation of cross-border collaboration of the Ukraine and European Union is that efforts on financing of border territory territories are initiated essentially by ЕС. Therefore there is braking of processes of cross-border collaboration development and there was a demand to create the mechanism of attraction of financial resources at a home national and local level.

Author Biography

N.M. Kalmykova, Донецький національний технічний університет

к.е.н., доцент кафедри стратегічного управління економічним розвитком


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