The most important trends and patterns of market reforms in the modern elektroenergetike.


  • A.G. Erkhov Донецкий государственный университет управления


energy industry, reform of the energy sector, energy business, energy company, model power development


This paper investigates the development of modern electric industry. The features of the privatization of the energy sector in a number of countries through the process of reforming the power sector of the Scandinavian countries are described. This paper presents the four main types of organization of economic relations in the electricity industry: a vertically integrated model applied in countries with fully state-owned energy facilities; the model of "independent producer", the hallmark of which is the state's participation in a system of independent producers; the model of "single buyer" intended to protect the interests of small consumers in the short term, "The competitive model" characterized by the fact that the consumer has the right to choose a supplier. The article identified the most effective model features power development in modern conditions in example of European countries and the United States, the advantages and disadvantages of reforming the energy industry in the U.S. and the UK are identified and the activities of regulators are described.

Author Biography

A.G. Erkhov, Донецкий государственный университет управления

к.т.н., доцент кафедры внешнеэкономической деятельности


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