Ensuring economic security through the mechanism for maintaining financial stability.


  • M. Diakova ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет»


assets, the factors constituting the optimal value, cash flow, liquidity


The article considers the financial component of ensuring economic security. It is proved that ensure the financial stability of the company provides for its support at any time. The author is a structural logic to support sustainable condition of the company in the current period, which includes the phased implementation of activities, as well as proof of the need to support such a state by decrypting each of the presented measures. Proposed evaluation factors internal and external environment should be made on the basic parameters that define them, namely for internal (in production, in sales, in investing surplus funds in the field of finance in credit sales) and external (political, economic, market) factors. A sequence of determining the optimal values of absolute liquid assets, assets that are rapidly implemented, ongoing commitment to the rapid repayment term and short-term liabilities, which are not included in accounts payable for the diagnosis of the current capabilities of the enterprise.

Author Biography

M. Diakova, ДВНЗ «Приазовський державний технічний університет»

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