Determinants of competitive European model of macro-regions.


  • A.V. Shishackiy


European Union, the European Community, the model of regional development, resource sharing, complementarity, financial resources, competitiveness, efficiency, european capital, strategic goals, project


The article deals with the problem of the formation of the European model of regional development and the concept of complementarity. It describes the principle of "matching funds." We found that the policy of complementarity has no consensus on the impact of cohesion policy EU regions in their economic growth. Emphasis is placed on the role of EU structural funds play in achieving effect of complementarity. It is noted that the EU policy focused on three strategic objectives: promoting the development and structural adjustment of regions, support economic and social transformation in the region, promoting the adaptation and modernization of policies and so on. Given some actual performance of regions that receive support. The article stated that the European Regional Development Fund has been programs that focus on issues of regional development, competitiveness, economic change, territorial cooperation. Defined goals that contribute to these trends. These main areas of action to ensure employment. Also listed investment areas (knowledge, innovation, transport, environmental protection, human resources). Shows the dynamics of financing regional competitiveness and employment, and geography distribution projects under the European funds.

Author Biography

A.V. Shishackiy

Голова Донецької облдержадміністрації


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