Forcing the development of innovative research as a mechanism to increase the efficiency of integration within the firm.


  • G.G. Turalina Донецького національного університету


globalization, globalization processes, technological change, innovation development, forcing, outsourcing, intra-company integration, scouting, research and development


The article studies the problems of innovative development in the world, namely the development of the external sourcing of technological innovation research. This process is viewed as a mechanism to improve the efficiency of in-house integration. Also defines the methods of technological forecasting and foresight. The basic distinctive features of outsourcing and the feasibility of its use in the industry. These advantages, the customer receives a production outsourcing. A diagram showing the reasons and benefits of outsourcing in an industrial plant, as well as deciding on outsourcing that involves the use of new technologies. To apply outsourcing company requires assessment of its capabilities, and the accounting of certain factors identified in the article.

Author Biography

G.G. Turalina, Донецького національного університету

здобувач кафедри міжнародної економіки


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