Azerbaijan bizness in foreign trade.


  • V.T. Safarova Азербайджанский Государственный Экономический Университет


foreign trade relations, commerce, foreign trade, customs laws, WTO, regulatory - legal framework, a national model of development, export - import operations


In the article, the author reviews the effectiveness of commercial activity in foreign trade, since it is necessary to achieve the optimum combination of the elements of the "closed" and "open" regionalism. There is no doubt that the totally enclosed regionalism worsens the situation in the region and has a negative impact on the global situation and Azerbaijan in turn, has a huge potential for broad deployment of foreign trade. The relationship between Azerbaijan and the international financial institutions are very important not only for the current state of development of the state, but also the possibilities to build long-term sustainable economic development model.

Author Biography

V.T. Safarova, Азербайджанский Государственный Экономический Университет

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