Ukraine in the BSEC integration trends


  • S.M. Pysarenko Львовский национальный университет имени Ивана Франко


globalization, regional integration, international cooperation, association of countries - participants


In the article reviewed the issues of main areas of regional integration in the world economy and the place of BSEC in the system of modern processes of globalization and regionalisation. Made the accent that each member State of BSEC and EU has its own interest in this regional integration associations. For Ukraine is especially important the engagement of BSEC opportunities to resolve problem of energy diversification, implementation of exploration projects and production of energy resources in the Black Sea, developing energy transportation routes, and also cooperation in regional security, combating terrorism and organized crime. It is emphasized that Ukraine under the chairmanship of BSEC has made a significant contribution to solving the problems of organization development.

Author Biography

S.M. Pysarenko, Львовский национальный университет имени Ивана Франко

д.г.н., професор кафедры международных економических отношений


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