Development of ports of Ukraine at the present stage of development of the international relations between the countries BSEC.


  • A. Lysyy Азовский морской институт ОНМА
  • G. Garkusha Азовский морской институт ОНМА


integration of ports, the analysis of goods traffics, profit of ports, container terminals, trade and economic system, a zone of free trade, transfer of cargoes, the strategic investor


In article the plan of action for continuation of successful integration of the Ukrainian ports in transport system of the Black Sea region and a global world transport network is considered it is necessary to pay special attention of reconstruction and to development of the Ukrainian ports according to requirements of the world market. And for this purpose, in turn, it is extremely necessary to create in the shortest terms favorable conditions for realisation of investment projects, accurately to work standard base for successful and mutually advantageous cooperation with the private capital which attraction in branch is the integral condition of its development. One of problems BSEС consists in creation of a zone of free trade in territory of the countries-participants that can be carried out, according to participants of grouping, in the tideway of the general direction of formation of the European economic space. Taking into consideration legal obligations of some countries-participants BSEC to EU and desire of the majority of the others to become full members of the European Union, any constructive action on creation of a zone of free trade in the Black Sea region becomes, thus, possible only within the limits of BSEC-EU dialogue.

Author Biographies

A. Lysyy, Азовский морской институт ОНМА

канд. экон. наук, директор

G. Garkusha, Азовский морской институт ОНМА

канд. техн. наук, зам директора по НПР


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