Evaluation of the efficiency of steel industry enterprises by DEA method
metallurgy, steel production, efficiency, competitiveness, the DEA method, the mathematical model, the optimal solution, inefficiencyAbstract
Metallurgical branch of Ukraine is a budget creative. There is a very high level of competition at the steel production market. Different methods can be used to assess effectiveness of the branch enterprises. The article discusses the application of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method to the efficiency estimation of Ukrainian metallurgical enterprises in the framework of their level of competitiveness' determination. The Ukraine's place in the world and Europe ferrous metals production is given. The general formulation of the task has been considered and mathematical models for all enterprises considered have been created. Achieved solution and obtained estimates of individual enterprises inefficiency provide the basis for the development of measures to improve production efficiency. In order to get more precise picture of the competitive abilities of the branch enterprises it is necessary to take into account world leaders in steel production while problem solving.References
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