Problematic issues of integration processes between national and international financial and credit systems


  • D. Dresvyannikov АТ «Укрексімбанк»


integration processes and their symptoms, financial and credit systems, the classification levels of integration


Dealing with the issues of Ukraine's integration into the world economy is not only speed up the transformation of the economic system of the state, but also will enable Ukraine to become an equal member of the international cooperation with countries in other continents. The article raised questions concerning the choice of the vector integration on the basis of the variety of forms of bilateral and multilateral co-operation have been accumulated by the world community, as well as the option of multilateral economic integration, depending on the degree of compliance with the vector of integration of national interests. The main objectives of our country are establishing links with the European Union, the cooperation with the CIS countries and Russia, the development of foreign trade with countries in the Asia-Pacific region and the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. However, to achieve the above strategic objectives, Ukraine needs to offset the disadvantages existing in the economy in the post-Soviet and postcrisis period. There were considered views and reflected the level between integration of Ukrainian and international financial and credit systems, investigated the problems of integration that result from differences in the state of quality state of the national and international systems, which are caused by internal and external factors. To determine the directions of eliminating problematic issues of integration processes have been proposed by the author of the basic characteristics with help of it is necessary to integrate the national and international financial and credit systems.

Author Biography

D. Dresvyannikov, АТ «Укрексімбанк»

к.е.н., керуючий філією


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