Formation of innovative strategy of development of region on the basis of indistinct modelling.
strategy of development of region, identification model, indistinct ekonometrics models, imitation of accepted decisionsAbstract
Problems of management are considered by development of regional economy and problems of indistinct representation of the initial data about state of the economy in view of them not full definiteness and updatings are noted. The approach to construction of models of region on the basis of the device of indistinct logic Is proved. The method of construction indistinct econometrics models of region on the basis of definition of levels of values of functions of an accessory is offered. Problems of definition of potential results of accepted decisions are formulated at changes of values of operating variables. Are developed indistinct regressives models, allowing to choose rational strategy of its development with application of the innovative projects which results of introduction also have interval and indistinct estimations. The developed toolkit allows to raise adequacy of accepted decisions to available knowledge of processes in region.References
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