Directions adaptive development of the semi-periphery countries in conditions of global transformations (on the example of the countries of BSEC)


  • O. Voronkova ФГБОУ ВПО «Ростовский государственный экономический университет (РИНХ)»


the transformation, the global economy, actors in the global economy, the semi-periphery countries, strategy of development of adaptive, postindustrialization, reindustrialization


The article analyzes methodological differences world and global economies, are allocated subsystem of the global economy. For example subsystem local national entities substantiated changes in the spatial and functional system of hierarchy of States in the coordinates of the Center - semiperiphery - periphery and is positioning itself in this system, the countries-members of Organization of black sea economic cooperation. Based on the research of the historical world experience of social-economic development of the countries of the semi-periphery and current situation of the postcrisis period, there are two ways of adaptive development in the global economic system. The first way is catching up, the mechanism of which is based on the post-industrialization and outsourcing. The second way is an innovative mechanism which involves reindustrialization, strengthening of the economic role of the state and the «new man of labour» and technological modernization.

Author Biography

O. Voronkova, ФГБОУ ВПО «Ростовский государственный экономический университет (РИНХ)»

к.э.н., доцент, доцент кафедры Международных экономических отношений


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