Cluster approach potential in stimulating of structural modernization of the Ukrainian national economy


  • O.I. Bilyi Інститут законодавства Верховної Ради України


cluster, cluster approach, restructuring, "points of growth", "areas of economic growth", innovation and investment development, services area, "health industry", sectoral and industrial approach, infrastructure, national economy, economic policy


The article describes the advantages and potential opportunities of cluster approach applying in the process of the national economy restructuring, the role of clusters in the formation of "points of growth" and "areas of economic growth", the impact of clusters on the formation of the multiplier effect of stimulating economic activity, economic growth at the regional and national level of the national economy has been revealed. The potential of the clustering mechanism applying in the EU, the impact of clusters on the prospects of structural modernization of the European economy in 2020, including services, recreation and tourism, "health industry" has been highlighted. The basic priorities of clusters formation in Ukraine in services and on the ground of involvement of sectoral and industrial approach potential, innovation and investment activity development, forming of modern infrastructure has been defined. The influence of cluster initiatives on the processes of structural modernization of the national economy of Ukraine has been revealed.

Author Biography

O.I. Bilyi, Інститут законодавства Верховної Ради України



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