To the analysis of methods of adaptive prognostication


  • V. Barnagyan Ростовский государственный экономический университет (РИНХ)


analysis of temporal rows, autocorrelation function of temporal row, seasonality, smoothing out, seasonal decouplig, extrapolation, name (and number) of parameter, estimation of parameter, standard deviation, rationed rejection, prognostication


A major factor, explaining the necessity of application of adaptive models, is an unstationarity of parameters of external environment of characterized by a vagueness. Adaptation of formal model is carried out on results the analysis of current and forecast information. Making decision in these terms follow a rule in obedience to which even superficial analysis or prognosis better spontaneous. In clause the methods of adaptive forecasting are considered. Ужесточение of the forms of competitive struggle shows increased requirements to ability of organizations flexibly to react to changes in external environment. The methods of statistical modeling sold in means of program support, allow to take into account fluctuations of parameters of external environment. The example of use of technology of the statistical analysis and adaptive forecasting of temporary rows on base STATGRAPHICS is given. In the article possibility of construction of adaptive methods of prognostication is investigational by programmatic facilities. It is special topically taking to account that in market conditions frequently there are multivariable dependences. On that, as far as it will be succeeded to «teach» a model in the process of dialog, it is possible it will be to judge about possibility of adequate reflection of the probed temporal row. Such prognostication allows to reduce influence of vagueness at planning.

Author Biography

V. Barnagyan, Ростовский государственный экономический университет (РИНХ)

к.т.н., доц.


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