The application of a systematic approach to territorial development.


  • O. Shuliezhko Черкаський державний технологічний університет


system, "economic system" region "regional economic system", structure, relationships


In this article an attempt is made to conduct the systematization of existing development on territorial economic development, the use of the system and the author's approach to understanding the category of the region, which allowed to extend ponyatie-categorical framework of the study in terms of interpretations of the concept of regional economic system as a complex dynamic spatial systems of management. In the analysis of literary sources is formed by three main features of the functioning of the economic system, which should be the basis for its determination. Identifies the main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "region". Considering all of the various interpretations, the following mandatory position on the definition of "region": space and territory; the presence of administrative, economic, socio-economic and other activities that ensure the reproduction process, the unity of social and economic policy, differences from other regions. Presents the author's interpretation of "regional economic system, the properties of this system, which allowed to determine the methodological sequence for the development of the mechanism of management of development of regional economic systems.

Author Biography

O. Shuliezhko, Черкаський державний технологічний університет

здобувач кафедри менеджменту


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