Improving the efficiency of cooperation between the European Union and Palestine in the spheres of economic and innovation development
international cooperation, the Euro-Mediterranean partnership, innovation activity, the action plan «EU-Palestine»Abstract
The current stage of development of international relations reflects a new stage in the establishment of a world order characterized by the internationalization of production, the liberalization of international relations, erasing barriers between countries, regardless of their geographic location, thereby ensuring the free movement of labour, capital, goods, services and information. These processes encompassed all spheres of public life, but the most significant contribution to the strengthening of their influence on the world community the development of international cooperation has made. The article deals with theoretical approaches to determining the nature of collaboration and its international dimension. Special attention is paid to the cooperation of states and its objectives. Examines the historical formation of the statehood of Palestine and its participation in international relations. International organizations, which State of Palestine takes part in, are represented and the status of the country in each of these organizations is considered. The main directions of cooperation between the EU and Palestine, as a member of the Euro-Mediterranean partnership. The objectives of the economic and innovation cooperation of Palestine and the EU are presented. Separate directions of increasing of efficiency of economic and innovation cooperation between the EU and Palestine.References
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