The cluster approach to evaluating the effectiveness of use of the innovation potential of the region
cluster, cluster policy, cluster approach, region, innovation, innovative activity, innovative potential, the mechanism of realization of innovative potentialAbstract
The article describes the structure of the organs of management of the innovation potential of the region in the implementation of the cluster approach; the model is object-subject relations in the system of innovation potential of the region on the basis of the cluster approach; the basic principles of controlling the implementation of the innovative potential of the region. Identifies the main characteristics of the coordinating functions in the system of economic management cluster. Analyzed the objectives of regional innovative activity of regions. Illustrated with goal setting in a hierarchical system of innovation potential of the region. Characterized by the coordination of functions in the system of economic management cluster. Describes the main adjustments required to be made in the existing mechanism of realization of innovative potential, the essence of which is as follows: • the development of cluster policy in the region; the formation of strategy of development of science and innovations; the organization and implementation of monitoring the implementation of the strategy; assessment of the effectiveness of the use of scientific potential in the implementation of cluster initiatives; assessment of the strategic gaps.References
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