The analysis models of sustainable development of the region
sustainable development of the region, the model concept, the innovative potential of the region, organizational and economic environmentAbstract
The article defines the concept of sustainable development in the region and show its relationship with the concept of innovation potential. Preconditions of the innovation capacity and organizational and economic factors for sustainable development. Methodological foundations of sustainable development, taking into account the evolution of the concept of society and nature. Different models of sustainable development of the region which are based on different conceptions of the relationship between researchers elements of sustainable development. Given special attention to the study of such models as a model for sustainable development Toynbee A model of sustainable development Munasinhha M, the concept of sustainable development in the region, a model of sustainable development H.Deli. Concretized model of sustainable development, developing more active in recent decades, including: sustainable development model devaluations use (Asheim G., T. Mitra, M. Hofkes), total capital generation model (J. Pezzi).References
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