A conceptual framework for national economic competitiveness
competitiveness, productivity, competitive advantageAbstract
The article describes the main components and prerequisites for the competitiveness of the country. Studied foreign experience in the formation of a competitive economy, determine the possibility of its use for the formation of a competitive national economy. Given a formal understanding of competitiveness in the U.S., Canada, Germany, France, outlined the approaches of the European Commission to the interpretation of this concept. Implemented vertical structural analysis of the category of "competitiveness", we analyze the relationship between selected levels (meso-, macrolevel), as well as the process of formation of the competitive behavior of the subjects, carriers of competitiveness at different levels. Reasonably approval of programs (documents) to ensure national competitiveness, as in some cases it is the program effectively implemented industrial policy lead to the growth of production efficiency. The stages of the process of formation of national competitiveness: at the country level, thus providing for the formation of competitiveness at the level of companies, under which, in turn, is created directly competitive products.References
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