World experience of state regulation of capital outflow


  • V. Bosnenko Національна академія внутрішніх справ


foreign exchange, foreign exchange regulation mechanism, the export of capital, government regulation of the export of capital, foreign exchange control authorities


To research experience, state regulation of foreign capital outflow from the country. The features of state regulation of the export of capital from the leading countries of the world. Shown a tendency to expand the rights of residents and removing basic restrictions on transactions by non-residents. In addition, regulation of capital flows has gradually ensured market mechanisms and instruments of monetary policy. Noted that today in Western countries focus in the fight against capital flight is on improving the tax system, aimed at reducing taxes and encouraging investment in the national economy, measures against the export of capital are replaced by the creation of economic conditions for its operation in the country in particular, stimulate the flow of investment real sector, which help to reduce the volume of export of capital. It is concluded that the experience of many countries, sectoral fragmentation and lack of coordination within the institutional structure of exchange controls creates or causes beyond the control zone of overlap of individual measures. In many countries, however, there is a single system of state financial control, and is never seen as a contradiction of liberal market economy model.

Author Biography

V. Bosnenko, Національна академія внутрішніх справ

здобувач кафедри економічної безпеки


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