Economic development and the changes of health care policy in the conditions of globalization: Lithuanian case


  • J. Čiburienė Kaunas University of Technology
  • G. Čiburaitė Lithuanian University of Health Sciences

Ключові слова:

economic development, labor force, globalization, health care, competitiveness


The ongoing contraction of the economy increases the unemployment levels and the decreasement of general price levels. An unemployed person loses all or a share of income, health insurance, some psychological issues arises and overall health is affected. A qualified and competent workforce is often a key factor in competitiveness, increasing the attractiveness of the region. Society in Lithuania, like in the European Union member states (EU-27), is aging – that results in a smaller number of workers, increasing the numbers of retired population, so greater attention must be paid to the health and health care, in order to create preconditions for human capital development and regional competitiveness. This paper has investigated the World health organization (WHO) and the European Commission (EC) health coordination measures. It was found that the WHO and the EC recommends more resources for health, enhancing knowledge transfer, research and development of health literacy and reducing inequalities in health care. On the other hand, the health care system is relevant for developing human capital. This situation requires a higher cost for health care. Health care activities (rehabilitation treatment, emergency operations and other human health activities) have a positive effect on human capital, facilitate increased operational capacity and a longer time to compete in the labor market and enlarge the level of region competitiveness.

Біографії авторів

J. Čiburienė, Kaunas University of Technology

PhD, professor, Department of Economics and international trade

G. Čiburaitė, Lithuanian University of Health Sciences



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